I have always believed that nothing is impossible and that as a runner you can achieve pretty much anything you set your mind too.  Whether you are a new runner, returning after time away, or looking to complete a challenge such as a first marathon, ultra or multi day event, my approach is the same and can be summarized as follows.

My Philosophy

 Individualized Training

We are all unique, with different backgrounds, lifestyles and demands on our time.  Before training we will discuss your running aspirations, experience, availability, any training limitations, and your expectations, to come up with a realistic and achievable goal.

Your individualized plan will draw on your strengths and work on weaknesses, providing an achievable, balanced work/life/training schedule that is enjoyable and gets you to your goal avoiding under training, over training, and injury.  I will provide your plan two weeks at a time, so that adjustments can be made on an ongoing basis in response to training results, life changes, vacation, and injury.

 Open Communication

To fully benefit from coaching open communication is crucial.  I use Final Surge a coaching platform where in addition to training data, you can enter subjective information about how your workout went and ask questions.  I check training results regularly and use email or the messaging system within Final Surge, to provide feedback and answer any questions.  As needed we can tweak your plan, even within 2 week blocks, for example, easy days may be switched with harder ones, extra rest days added, or changes made to pace, distance, or workout type.

Commitment and Hard Work

As your coach I will provide you with a customized training plan and will be there to support, and cheer you on, no matter how things are going.  What I can’t do is magically get you to your goal – that requires ongoing commitment and hard work from you.  I expect that you will train consistently, completing assigned training and give your best effort.  Some days you may not meet your goals, that is ok, we’ll just regroup and move on from where we are.  Through persistence and determination your performance will improve and you will achieve your goals.

What I Offer

$200/month online coaching.

  • Introductory meeting (Skype/Zoom/phone) to get to know each other.
  • An individualized training plan based on your running history, current fitness level, goals and training availability
    • Plans based on RPE
    • Race support and planning
  • A Final Surge account (via desktop or mobile app) to:
    • Receive your training plan (updated every 2 weeks),
    •  Upload or enter your training with the option of syncing with Strava and Garmin.
    •  Weekly analysis of your training with adjustments as needed
  • Daily email, text, or calendar reminder of your workout.
  • unlimited messaging/email