Before we start working together there is some preparation we need to do.  Don’t worry, it’s not difficult and won’t take long!

After completing the athlete questionnaire (link below)  we will have an introductory phone call or meeting (either via Skype, Messenger, phone call, or in person if you are local) where we begin getting to know each other.  We’ll talk about your running history, expectations of training, and the goals you have.  I’ll give you an overview of training plan development, and we will discuss how we can work together to get you to your goal safely. You’ll have the opportunity to ask me questions before we decide together if we are a match and want to move forward with training.

Once you decide to move forward with training I’ll send you an email that will contain a link to a waiver, and instructions on setting up your Final Surge Account.  You will also receive your first invoice (from Paypal).  Payment will be due on the first of each month;  an invoice will be sent a week prior to that.  There is no commitment or contract to be signed.  Training is month by month and you are free to cancel at any time.

It will take a couple of days to get the first draft of your plan together and the first couple of weeks uploaded into Final Surge – then you can get going with your training.  I expect that changes will need to be made – contact me any time and we’ll update your plan to best fit you!

Athlete Questionnaire